Monday, August 23, 2010

The Neighbor, by Lisa Gardner ****

The Neighbor, by Lisa Gardner

A young mother, blond and pretty, vanishes from her South Boston home, leaving behind only one witness—her four-year-old daughter—and one suspect—her handsome, secretive husband.

From the moment Detective Sergeant D. D. Warren arrives at the Joneses’ snug little bungalow, instinct tells her that something is seriously off with the wholesome image the couple has worked so hard to create.

With the clock ticking on the life of a missing woman and a media firestorm building, D.D. must decide whether Jason Jones is hiding his guilt—or just trying to hide. But first she must stand between a potential killer and his next victim—an innocent child who may have seen too much.

I enjoyed this one. It's actually the latest in a series about a female Police Sergeant, but the first that I've read by this author. I didn't know going in what it would be - I thought it might end up being a mystery/romance of sorts - but it very much isn't a romance book.

The main character, the police sergeant, seemed more like a supporting role to me. I thought the suspect was a bigger part in the story, and was well presented. He came off as a bit of a jerk (thus, he was the suspect) but he also had a lot of relate-able characteristics that made me like him. On the flip side, I wasn't a huge fan of the police sergeant; even at the end of the book. This may or may not have been the author's intension. She wasn't poorly written, she just came off as a bit of a bitch to me. Either way, her part was so small that she didn't detract from the story.

The answers to the mystery weren't entirely a surprise, but I didn't think it was too, too predictable (keep in mind that I make little to no effort to figure things out as I read, and even I figured some of it out) but it was a good, entertaining read. I'll definitely pick up others from the series before too long.

The Neighbor: A Detective D. D. Warren Novel

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